Diversified Ag (previously AEST)
Diversified AG covers the broad field of occupations related to the production and use of plants and animals for food, fiver, aesthetic, and environmental purposes. Ir will introduce the student to a wide variety of fields in agricultural industry by the participation in a variety of instructional activities, including discussions, laboratory experiences in the classroom, safety, marketing & FFA leadership activities. It will target careers at the professional and technical levels in agriculture. Students enrolled in these courses should be better prepared to pursue degrees at the community college and 4-year college level.
Principles of Ag
Animal Science
Vet Science
Capstone (WBL)
Concepts: We prefer students to have already taken or currently enrolled in Biology 1.
**** Each course following the concepts course is a prereq for the next level course. Each student will need to pass the previous course to move on to the next available one.***
FFA -- is the student organization for this class.
MS-CPAS is the state test for this class.